Monday, July 27, 2009

MacKenziesaurus Weighs the Ins and Outs of Rating Movies

So, Tyrannosaurus Kyle pointed me on to this new site that is in it's beta testing phase called "Flickchart." Flickchart is simple: It shows you two movie posters next to each other, and you choose the movie you liked more; If you haven't seen the movie, you click the "I haven't seen it" button, and it ives you a new one. Flickchart then creates the end-all be-all of personal movie lists. With the exception of the Michael Scott worthy embarrassment I feel every time I click "I haven't seen it" on an iconic movie, it's an addictive and enlightening project.
Right now, my list is nothing short of shameful; Because of a series of unfortunate matchups, Sleepy Hollow is above Fight Club. I KNOW! That's why it's addictive! Jurassic Park isn't even ON my top 20. Do you know what Dante said happened to people who didn't have Jurassic Park in their top 20? That's right, they were forced to suffer eternity watching Battlefield Earth while Satan and/or Lucifer laughed in the background screaming, "I've seen your Flickchart! So you don't like good movies?! Then enjoy this steamy pile of Scientology's equivilent to Passion of the Christ! It's my favorite movie!"
Satan, and/or Lucifer, would of course love Battlefield Earth. Scientology is like Satan's, and/or Lucifer's, spinach. Regardless, all four of you who read this should check out Flickchart. If nothing else, it will give you a concept of how far behind you're falling in your own personal quest to see as many good movies as possible. I hadn't really considered how many amazing movies I hadn't viewed, just for lack of time or initiative. I won't tell you which ones, but by the end of my 2009 Hollywood adventure, I intend to watch the most iconic ones behind Kyle's back so he doesn't find out I haven't seen them yet.
Happy hunting!
Or, Good Will Hunting, which I rated above A.I. but below Predator.
Because they are just starting out, and it's a large project, it could take a couple of weeks to get the invite after you send them the email. You don't even have to be patient, though. Just forget about it like I did, and then it will be like a Christmas stocking of candy and money that you forgot to open, then found on the 26th.

1 comment:

  1. "by the end of my 2009 Hollywood adventure, I intend to watch the most iconic ones behind Kyle's back so he doesn't find out I haven't seen them yet."

    does that mean he doesn't have this blog address?
