Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MacKenziesaurus Considers the T-shirt

Los Angeles has left me broke, hungry, and still at the bottom of the acting pool. LA has taken just about everything and has, like the English King, all but instituted primae noctis. Sorry, future wife, but LA gets you first. However, whatever LA may take from me, he can never take MY LOVE OF NONSENSICAL T-SHIRTS!!! I visit a few sites almost every day and wonder at their user-designed shirts. Cool shirts are one thing, but cool shirts are usually pretty expensive, right? SURPRISE! The sites I visit can offer shirts for less than ten dollars minus shipping. Oh, okay, cheap and nonsensical t-shirts are cool and everything, but we're all familiar with those lame play-on-word shirts you see on every site so...WRONG AGAIN! These sites offer shirts that are original and only available for 24 hours. That is correct, every day a new and exclusive shirt is offered on these web-wonderkins that no one the day before, nay, nor the following days to come shall revel in. It's like being special when you really aren't very special at all.
WOOT! You can't help but love this site! New shirt every day at ten dollars a shirt with free standard shipping. This site also offers a coupon a day for various other shirt sites hidden in the interwebs. Dig in.
Also offers a new shirt every day, this time for nine dollars with two dollar standard shipping. Shirts are user/artist designed with an interview with said user/artist ordaining the right hand site of the site.
Less exclusive, new design every Monday at twelve dollars a shirt and a ten dollar previous design offer that renews every day. Great designs though.
This shirt wins the award for hilarious name and intriguing concept. Updated every three weeks or so with a new design, the site offers 100, and only 100, shirts of that design priced per number. Example, if I luck out and land shirt #5, it will cost $5 and will have the number 5 on the back. After shirt 30, this site becomes unusable because I refuse to pay that much for a shirt.

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